An Agile tester requires a different mindset from the traditional tester. More and more organizations are moving towards some sort of agile development methodology. Here are some best practices that the Agile tester needs to consider:
- Testing is performed immediately after the code is ready. Code is developed in smaller pieces which allows the agile tester the opportunity to become engaged sooner.
- There is a lot of automated testing that is developed. If you don’t have automation in place you will waste precious time within the sprint cycle.
- The developers will need to automate their unit tests to ensure the code is ready to be delivered to the Agile tester
- Defects are identified quickly and need to be fixed quickly. Identification of the issues sooner will result in faster resolution of those defects.
- The developers and testers operate as one team and they both are concerned about quality.
- Testing is continuous and quality is incorporated into all elements of the sprint.
Without these best practices in place, the agile tester will really struggle. Everyone on the team needs to buy into quality. It certainly should not be the expectation that the agile tester is the only one that is accountable for quality.
If you would like more information on Agile, DevOps or Software Testing, please visit my Software Testing Blog or my Software Testing YouTube Channel.