It is really important especially if you are starting a new department that you spend time educating others on what value adds you are bringing to the organization with your QA organization. QA Roadshows don’t have to be elaborate or extensive but they need to provide others with enough information so they have a high level understand of what you are doing. I have created a series of QA Roadshows around the following areas:
- TCoE
- Automation
- Performance
- Static Testing
- Risk Based Testing
- Integrations Testing
- Conversion Testing
- Mobile Testing
- Test Environments
- Security Testing
I have conducted 2 QA Roadshows so far and I have followed those up with surveys. The surveys will help me understand if the participants understood the material and what changes I need to make for future roadshows. I spent a little time doing some future planning so that I can get the presentations on the calendar to ensure that I continue to provide good information to the organization.
Sharing information with others helps to gain trust. Trust is a really important aspect of building a QA organization especially when the department is new. When things aren’t going well and you aren’t as far as you would like to be, QA transparency could be painful but it will help others see that you are working towards moving the organization in the right direction.
If you would like more information on Agile, DevOps or Software Testing, please visit my Software Testing Blog or my Software Testing YouTube Channel.